
Showing posts from March, 2021

Research Blog #6

  This image was originally an instruction card from an Alien board role-playing game called Alien RPG Core Rulebook. The text section indicates the role of the scientists in researching unknown knowledge on Aliens, and this also applies to astronomers, ufologists, and astrophysicists in reality. They all know better than anyone else, and hoping to explore the truth of the unknowns and the future of humankind, but why didn't they collaborate? This image would help me to draw out the possible reason behind the boundary-work. 

Research Blog #5 - Revised RQs and Current Works Cited

Revised Questions: What do the fields of astrobiologists, ufologists, and astronomers reside, about finding extraterrestrials life? Why do scientists in similar fields set boundaries from collaborating with each other? What would they conclude when successfully contacting with Alien civilizations?   Work Cited: Elani, Zion. “Space, the Final Frontier: In the Scientific Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life Away from Earth.”  Physics Essays , vol. 33, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 367–379.  EBSCOhost , doi:10.4006/0836-1398-33.4.367 KLOOR, KEITH. “UFOs Won’t Go Away.”  Issues in Science & Technology , vol. 35, no. 3, Spring 2019,pp.49–56.  EBSCOhost , Loeb, A. (2021). Extraterrestrial: The first sign of intelligent life beyond Earth . New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Michaud, Michael.  Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterr...

Literature Review #3

  Visual : Citation :  Elani, Zion. “Space, the Final Frontier: In the Scientific Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life Away from Earth.”  Physics Essays , vol. 33, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 367–379.  EBSCOhost , doi:10.4006/0836-1398-33.4.367 Summary :  Elani's article, "Space, the Final Frontier: In the Scientific Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life Away from Earth", it narrates how did scientists and astrobiologists in history use scientific methods, such as the Drake Equation (1961) which became the basis of all SETI research before astronomers proved there was water on Mars in 1971, to discover life outside of Earth. Elani analyzes each variable on the Drake Equation would need to be modified as time goes, since there was no definite proof of whether advanced civilizations would colonize other planets. Until we have enough technical capabilities to estimate and contact other civilizations, the equation remains incomplete and inestimable, yet we still can see the equati...